HunterCreek Farms, LLC

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Foaling out mares has been our main focus here since our inception in 2000.  We offer 24 hour surveillance by both cameras and night watchmen in the foaling barn. Our Foaling Barn has 16 stalls, 12' x 16' and 16' x 16'.  Each stall is equipped with a surveillance camera.

These are our services offered to each and every foaling mare:

Each and every delivery is attended and assisted

Upon delivery, each foal receives:

5cc Penicillin

Tetanus Antitoxin

50cc IgG orally


Navel dipped 3 times a day for the first 3 days

Temperature is monitored once a day for the first 3 days

Foaling Fee for each mare is $500.00.  This includes all the meds and the post partum vet visit

Each baby is also given oxygen upon delivery 

Foaling Barn

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